Rikka 1 classes are open to all registered students with some experience in all of the other styles: shoka shofutai & shimputai, jiyuka and tatehana.
- Please ask your teacher about your readiness for Rikka study.
Available Spots: 5
Available Spots: 5
Rikka 1 classes are open to all registered students with some experience in all of the other styles: shoka shofutai & shimputai, jiyuka and tatehana.
Note: These classes are in person only
Ensure you are also a registered member of the Edmonton Japanese Community Association to participate at this location. Annual EJCA Membership is open to all, $20, no charge for age 70+. Please register online for an EJCA membership before signing up for classes at this location.
All students are expected to arrive a few minutes early to help with set up, and remain until the room has been cleaned up after. Please plan for this.
No outside footwear is permitted year round. Please bring indoor shoes or slippers.
Sign ups lock at a set time before each class, depending on the material required. Regular Classes close 5 days before each class. Rikka Classes close on the Thursday 3 weeks before each class.
Cancellation Policy: We use fresh floral materials. No refunds can be issued once the sign up is closed. Please contact the teacher if you wish to make arrangements to pick up material, otherwise unclaimed material will be distributed at the end of class.
Regular classes are Thursday evenings @ 7-9 pm beginning in March. Rikka classes are Saturday @8am-2pm beginning in April. See all Class Listings
Confirm your eligibility for Rikka classes with your teacher. These are advanced classes.
Rikka students must have the Rikka curriculum book.
The Rikka curriculum container, which comes with its own kenzan is also highly recommended.
If you are unable to purchase the container, please show the container and kenzan you plan to use to your teacher in advance so they can advise you of its suitability.
Wire and floral tape are always needed for Rikka. Let us know if you need some. We have supplies available for purchase through our store.
Please bring your own bag lunch and beverage of choice (a kettle is available).
All Rikka Class sign ups close 3 weeks before each class so that appropriate material can be ordered.
$30 per class for flower material & facility charges. This may be adjusted if market prices warrant.
Note: We have booked 2 rooms for Regular classes and the class will be divided as numbers warrant.
Closing: 5 days before the class
Some equipment can be purchased through us and some you will have to purchase from the Ikenobo Japan Shop or equivalent sources. See a list of basic equipment needed below.