Ikebana: Japanese Flower Arranging LessonsFrequently Asked Questions
Here you will find some of the common questions that people might need answered.
Course Materials
Material is provided at the classes. Material prices any be subject to change over the year if there are significant changes in market prices.
Demos, Workshop, Private Class?
Please contact us if you have questions or to book a demonstration, workshop or individual lesson.
Cutt Off Times
The Class Sign Up is locked 5 days before each class or 3 weeks in advance for special workshops and Rikka classes. We need time to order flowers.
What to Wear?
Please bring an extra pair of shoes or slippers, no outdoor shoes inside.
Beginners Set Recommended: includes all of the above basic equipment, except the margarine tub and flower bucket.
Purchase through the Ikenobo Shop, allow 1 week for delivery. Prices are in Yen and do not include delivery. They will advise you of those costs before finalizing payment.
You can also purchase supplies through us by heading over to our shop page.
Beginners Set Link and the Joy of Ikenobo Book.
Contact us if you have questions about equipment and ordering.
A suitable bucket can be purchased from us for $3 (e-transfer please)